See you soon:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

  • Includes all refreshments and lunch while in the exhibition area.

  • Pricing will be added when you select the Tutorial Option Below

Please let us know if we can share your contact details (email) with our Sponsors and Exhibitors after the conference.  

Tutorial on Monday afternoon from 1:30 - 5pm...  New this year for the PAC World Americas Conference!  More details will be provided.  Currently, this is an in-person option, but we are looking at offering a virtual option.  
Topic: Utility Drivers and Experiences Using IEC 61850

Everyone is invited to the Welcome Reception!  We just want to make sure we have enough appetizers and drinks planned.  Please let us know if you plan on attending it as we kick-off the Conference.

Please join us for the Gala Dinner.  If you are coming, it will prompt you to select your meal choice.  In addition, you have the opportunity to add a guest/spouse to join you.  The guest ticket also includes the Welcome Reception on Monday.



Group Registration Coupon Codes: Group6 or Group11

Group6 - Register 6-10 people at one time to receive a 10% discount from the registration and tutorial fees, not dinner.

Group11 - Register 11 or more people at one time to receive a 20% discount from the registration and tutorial fees, not dinner.

Note: If used incorrectly, we will create an invoice for the additional charges.

By registering for the conference, you allow us to include you in any photos/videos that are taken during the conference and social events.  These may be posted on our website, social media, magazine, etc.

Please note that there is a 20% cancellation fee for registrations canceled after July 31st and no refunds after August 10th.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
RegFox Event Registration Software